3D Graphics
The 3D coordinate system uses the following coordinate axis orientation: The X axis points to the right, the Y upward, and the Z axis from the viewer (forward). Such a coordinate system is called left-handed, and is defined as follows: The left hand is positioned so that the left hand fingers are pointed in the X axis direction (to the right), and the bent fingertips are pointed in the Y axis direction (up). Then the thumb will be pointed in the Z axis direction (from the viewer). Similarly, the left hand rule can be applied to the direction of rotation around the axes: The left hand thumb points in the axis direction, the bent fingers show the positive direction of rotation.
Transformations assert themselves for an active object and are related to the object's parent. If the object is not connected to another object, the transformations are related to a scene. A transformation goes out of the object's zero starting position. Therefore the matter in question is not a change compared to the previous position, but instead this concerns the actual object coordinates. A transformation is carried out in the following succession: scale change - rotation - translation. With rotations their succession can be determined. As a default setting the rotation is carried out in the X - Y - Z succession.
Image bm814.GIF scale in X direction
Image bm815.GIF scale in Y direction
Image bm816.GIF scale in Z direction
Image bm817.GIF rotation around X-axis
Image bm818.GIF rotation around Y-axis
Image bm819.GIF rotation around Z-axis
Image bm820.GIF translation in X direction
Image bm821.GIF translation in Y direction
Image bm822.GIF translation in Z direction
Image bm823.GIF order of rotations

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