Image bm798.GIF Link
The link element serves to connect other objects to an active object. The identification number of the object to be connected is entered as the element's parameter. Several objects may be entered at a time. By connecting the object it is disconnected from the original object. If an object has to be disconnected, then this is executed by connecting it to a scene object (Its identification number is equal to 0). As a default, each object is connected to the scene after being created.
After connecting an object this connected object is then called a "child". The object to which it is connected, is its "parent". Each parent can concurrently be a child of another object. For a connected object it holds that the object transformations apply to its parent. This fact makes it possible to manipulate an object with children as a whole. An example for this can be the robot figure. To the robot trunk arms and legs are connected. The trunk is the parent, the arms and legs are the children. The robot can be moved across the scene as a whole. By changing the "rotation" parameter the robot's legs can be moved and thus an impression of robot's pace can be induced. Similarly, one can manipulate the robot's fingers on its hand, independently on the position of its hands or of the robot itself.
A connected object can inherit the surface definition and the texture from his parent, if the object color is set to -2. This makes it possible to change the object surface as a whole (together with the children).

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