Image bm494.GIF Functions Common for All Dialog Elements
Image bm511.GIF horizontal coordinate
Image bm512.GIF vertical coordinate
Image bm513.GIF width
Image bm514.GIF height
Image bm515.GIF visible
Image bm516.GIF disable
Image bm517.GIF text
Image bm518.GIF icon
Image bm519.GIF picture
Image bm520.GIF button press or element change
Image bm521.GIF input focus
Image bm522.GIF button for Esc key (-1 = none)
Image bm523.GIF internal width
Image bm524.GIF internal height
Image bm525.GIF test mouse in element
Image bm526.GIF actual position
Image bm527.GIF actual position 2
Image bm528.GIF font of element
All operations are related to a window or to an element, which is selected by the element identification number. The visible and disable logic variables can either be set to a required state, or, by entering them without parameters the state can be switched over to an opposite value. The icon element is a variable of the item type. It asserts itself when the icon button, the icon dialog element and the dialog window are used. The picture element is a variable of picture type, it asserts itself only in using the picture dialog element. The input focus element specifies the dialog element identification number, to which the input focus is set, i.e. which will be controlled by the user.
The width and height elements specify the outer dimensions of an element or a window. For the Windows desktop (identification number -1) they specify the display resolution. The internal width and internal height elements specify the inner (client's) element or window dimensions. For the Windows desktop (identification number -1) they specify the Windows desktop dimensions (without the border bars).
The button press or element change element is a logic flag that is dependent on the element type. The flag can be read only; after reading it its value is set to false.
button - button has been pressed
switch - switch has been switched over
text edit - text has been changed
text and icon - element has been clicked on
list - selected item has been changed
dialog window - some of the window elements has set the press flag
The button for Esc key element is a numeric variable representing the identification number of button that will be activated by pressing Esc. Thus it is possible to service the dialog window or the whole program closure by pressing Esc. The value of -1 indicates that the Esc key will not be accepted by any button.
The test mouse in element element tests, whether the mouse cursor is situated above the dialog window element. As a net parameter the element or window identification number is specified. The element returns a logic flag indicating, whether the mouse cursor is situated above the element.
The actual position element serves to find out or to set an additional numeric parameter of the dialog element:
trackbar - trackbar position (0 to 1)
progressbar - pointer position (0 to 1)
listbox - selected entry (0 and more, -1=none)
table - selected row (0 and more, -1=none)
edit line - caret position (0 and more)
edit field, RichEdit - row with the caret (0 and more)
The actual position 2 element serves to find out or to set second additional numeric parameter of the dialog element:
edit field, RichEdit - position with the caret (0 and more)
table - selected column (0 and more, -1=none)

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