Image bm887.GIF Copy Cutout from the Sheet
Sheet - Extension
Image bm887.GIF copy cutout from the sheet
Image bm890.GIF destination sheet
Image bm891.GIF X coordinate
Image bm892.GIF Y coordinate
Image bm893.GIF sheet with cutout
Image bm894.GIF X coordinate of cutout
Image bm895.GIF Y coordinate of cutout
Image bm896.GIF cutout width
Image bm897.GIF cutout height
The copy cutout from sheet function serves to copy a part of one sheet to another sheet. The first parameter, the destination sheet represents the destination sheet, in which the copy cutout should be placed. If no sheet is specified, the main sheet will be used as a default. The X coordinate and Y coordinate parameters determine the target position in which the copy cutout should be placed in the destination sheet. The sheet with cutout is the source sheet, from which the cutout will be loaded. If no sheet is specified, the main sheet will be used as a default. The other parameters define the position and the size of the cutout in the source sheet.
The function output is a sheet. The sheets used as the function parameters are not influenced by the function. If a copy has to be carried out into the main sheet, the output of this function has to be assigned to the main sheet variable.

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