File Data
Image bm1016.GIF read pointer
Image bm1017.GIF write pointer
The read pointer and write pointer elements are numeric variables representing an offset in the file for reading and in the file for writing. The pointers can be both set and read. On setting a name of the file for reading/writing the relevant pointer will be reset. When reading/writing the data the pointers are shifted automatically.
Image bm1018.GIF integer number with sign, 1 byte
Image bm1019.GIF integer number without sign, 1 byte
Image bm1020.GIF integer number with sign, 2 bytes
Image bm1021.GIF integer number without sign, 2 bytes
Image bm1022.GIF integer number with sign, 3 bytes
Image bm1023.GIF integer number without sign, 3 bytes
Image bm1024.GIF integer number with sign, 4 bytes
Image bm1025.GIF integer number without sign, 4 bytes
Image bm1026.GIF decimal number, 4 bytes
Image bm1027.GIF decimal number, 8 bytes
Image bm1028.GIF logical value
Image bm1029.GIF text terminated by binar null (ASCIIZ)
Image bm1030.GIF text terminated by end of line (CR and LF)
Image bm1031.GIF text with fixed length
Image bm1032.GIF length of text with fixed length
Image bm1033.GIF text is in UNICODE format (2 bytes)
Image bm1034.GIF item (ICO)
Image bm1035.GIF picture (BMP, JPG and some AVI)
Image bm1036.GIF sound (WAV, MP3)
Image bm1037.GIF music (MID, RMI)
Image bm1038.GIF sprite (SPR)
The data elements can be used in a similar manner like the variables. By writing into an element a write is performed to the output file, by reading an element's value this value is readed from the input file. If an operation error occurs, the operation error flag is set. A format error during reading item, picture, sound, music or sprite elements will not cause a change in the state of the read operation pointer.
The logical value element uses 1 byte to store a value. The logical value "Yes" is written as number 1, the logical value "No" is written as number 0. During the reading any number that is not equal 0 is considered to be the logical value "Yes".
When reading a picture, the reading of some AVI files using non-compressed 16 bit data (format of the video sequence saved by some TV cards) is supported in addition to the reading of the BMP and JPEG formats. By reading the first picture from the beginning of the AVI file information about the file format is determined, which is used also on reading the subsequent pictures from the AVI file. The picture writing always takes place in the BMP format.
When reading a sound, the MPEG Layer-3 (MP3) format is supported. To play it back, an installation of a driver may be necessary. The sound writing always takes place in the WAW format.
The length of text with fixed length element defines the length of a fixed length text (not the file data, but an auxiliary internal variable being concerned).
The text is in UNICODE format element is a switch indicating that the texts are loaded and stored in the UNICODE format. Normally, the texts are loaded and stored in the Windows default format, one character corresponding to one file byte. In the UNICODE code characters are stored into 2 bytes. The text is not dependent on the national code system; its disadvantage are higher demands on the file size.

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