Image bm250.GIF Numeric Constant
Image bm250.GIF numeric constant
Image bm262.GIF digit 0
Image bm263.GIF digit 1
Image bm264.GIF digit 2
Image bm265.GIF digit 3
Image bm266.GIF digit 4
Image bm267.GIF digit 5
Image bm268.GIF digit 6
Image bm269.GIF digit 7
Image bm270.GIF digit 8
Image bm271.GIF digit 9
Image bm272.GIF decimal point
Image bm273.GIF negative sign
Image bm274.GIF exponent
A numeric constant can be used any time a numeric term is expected. A numeric constant can be specified in two ways. The first possibility is to assemble the number out of the elements of digits 0 to 9, decimal point, sign and exponent. A number is entered the same way as in a normal text entry with the difference that the entry takes place by assembling the elements from above downwards. The mantissa part of the number can contain up to 15 digits, its exponent ranging between -308 and +308.
Another possibility is to enter the numeric expression directly into the describing text of the numeric constant description. In order that this entry mode might be exerted, the constant must not contain any element of the above entry manner. Behind the number entry any text can be stated.
A number can be entered in the hexadecimal form by inserting the $ (dollar) character in front of the number. Thus e.g. the entry $1F corresponds the number 31. Similarly, by inserting the % (the percent character) a number can be entered in the binary form. Thus e.g. the entry %1001 corresponds the number 9.
Elements of the digits 0 till 9 can be used in the program independently as numeric constants.

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